Wednesday, October 19, 2011

just a tid bit of an update on life.

¡Buenas tardes a ustedes! (Good afternoon to you all!)

I hope this post finds you well and missing me of course! :) I apologize that I have not been very up to date on my posts, but we haven't had internet in our home for over a week now...which makes it difficult to get on the internet often. But I certainly learning to enjoy time without Facebook and I am definitely not wasting time sitting online doing nothing with a purpose. Here's what I've been up to in the past few days!

Last weekend: We had the weekend free so my friends and I went to the market and shopped a bit on Saturday. I got a lot of the things I needed for gifts, but I have a few more people to buy for, good thing I still have 8 1/2 weeks here! Thankfully it wasn't raining when we went to the market...since it has been raining for about a week and a half straight! (Needless to say, I am tired of being wet and finding mold growing on my possessions!) We spent more time this weekend at the home of our coordinator because we had a lot of free time! On Sunday we went to a Mexican restaurant called Frida's and I ate some very delicious Enchiladas Verdes!

On Monday, I started my two weeks with a different Spanish teacher. Sabina left for her vacation in the United States and for now I am working with her niece, Sara. At first, I was a tad nervous for a new teacher, but it has turned out to be really interesting and a good change! Sara is really sweet and we have a lot in common so it makes it easier to talk about things. Sara has a daughter who is only about seven months old, so we talk about her and my niece and nephew a lot. I am learning that change can be a good thing! Another change that took place on Monday was that we moved into the main house! There were three girls who had made a reservation to stay in the apartment in which we were living and the school had us move into the main house (although, we just found out the girls aren't staying!). It's actually been a really wonderful thing! We have less space, but I can already see that the relationship with our homestay family is getting better! It's so fun to have little Sofia (the granddaughter of our housemom) hanging out with us more!

 The view from our little balcony! :)
Sofia and I in our new's going to be a blast because we are best friends now! 
Yesterday (Tuesday) we took a little field trip (and the day off from Spanish classes) to go into Guatemala City again. Our first stop was the U.S. Embassy to learn about how things work there and a little bit more about international relations, etc. It was really neat and they were really good at informing us and answering any questions we had. We also learned that one of the ladies that has worked in the embassy for years is good friends with Dr. Betty Overton-Atkins who is a dean at SAU...such a random connection, but she talked very highly of Dr. Betty! The downfall to this was that it took much longer than expected. 
We were supposed to be at a school in a suburb of the city called Mixco because one of our students is going to do her student teaching there. We ended up getting lost and took almost two hours to find the school...needless to say we were all hungry and tired of being on a bus! 
After we spent a little bit of time in the school, we headed to Casa Bernabé, aka my other home!! I was so glad to be getting there, but we had to stop for food since it was after three and we had not eaten lunch yet! We ended up getting to CB two hours later than expected and weren't able to stay for long. I was really disappointed that we didn't get to stay longer and visit especially because there weren't many kids outside and it was raining. We had taken some candy for the kids, so I ended up leaving it with Jill so she could hand it out for us. It was so good to be back there and see how things are going, I wish we could have stayed longer, but I am just praying that the Lord provides another way for me to get there for longer before we leave in December! I was reminded how much I love that place and all the questions of what to do with my future came rushing back to me. There are so many options, but I just want to know what God wants for my life. I am praying that he clearly reveals himself to me in His timing. 
The traffic leaving Guatemala City was horrific and we ended up not getting home until was a long day, but the Lord taught me patience, flexibility, and blessed me with assurance that He has everything under control! 

Today we have 8 1/2 weeks left! I can't believe how the time has flown by! I am enjoying my time here, but I certainly miss my family. I am learning a lot, growing a lot, and learning to stay warm! It's been rainy for over a week and I am certainly ready for some sunshine...but for now, I am enjoying my new scarf that I bought during class today because I was so cold! 
This beauty cost me just over five bucks :) 

Today I am encouraged by some song lyrics and I hope you are too...

"So with all my heart and all my soul
With all I am, Lord, I will follow You
You took the cross, You took my shame
Restored my life, now I live to worship You
Without you, I am nothing..."
-Hillsong United

My apologies for the long-windedness...


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