Wednesday, August 10, 2011

do you really know me?

So I was thinking to myself today (and several other days this summer) about whether or not people really know me. I know this seems silly...I mean, the people who really need to know me are my family and closest friends, but there are some random things that I don't think some people know. 

#1: While I am 21 years old, thunderstorms make me nervous. Sometimes, I truly enjoy the crazy rain and the cool skylines that occur; however, most of the time I think about the worst that could happen. I think this is because of all the horror stories we hear on TV about the crazy things that happen to people during bad storms. So yes, when there's a storm, I would rather crawl under my covers and hide than go out on the porch and watch the happenings. 

#2: While I have a large interest in health and fitness, I have a HUGE sweet-tooth (which includes a strange love of Pop Tarts...horrible, I know). If there are yummy treats sitting in front of me, I will eat them. So what I'm really saying is: don't give me treats. :) 

#3: I have a birthmark on my right hand. Yes, it has hair on it...who cares? It always makes me laugh when kids or even some adults will blatantly ask, "What's that thing on your hand?!" if I don't know it's there. Sometimes I am really tempted to freak out when I look down, start yelling and crying, thinking there is something seriously wrong with me. 

#4: I am self-conscious about the size of my head. I know this is something that most people probably won't notice...but I notice it in practically every picture of me. Yes, I was a C-Section baby, so my head did not get smushed as I went through the birth canal...this is my reasoning for having a larger head. That and, I like to think that I have more brains than most of my peers ;)

**Just look at the size of my head compared to my sister's!

#5: I like to read, but most of the time, I just want to see the movie. I know, I know, this is really abnormal for an English minor. Don't get me wrong, I really love holding a book in my hand, reading and learning about a new character, etc. But sometimes, it's just easier to see it in action on the movie screen. To be honest, if I had more time to read for leisure, I would probably enjoy it more. I have a long list of books that I want to read...someday I will!

That's all for now! Have a blessed day!

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