Monday, August 15, 2011

i got that feeling...

You know that feeling you get when something great is over? Like, you just feel rather sad because you don't want it to be done? It could be a great TV show, or a long vacation...well, mine is the weekend. I spent the entire weekend with one of my best friends down in Columbus and we had a blast! It was hard to drive all the way home by myself and then once I got home, I was crabby because I didn't want the weekend to be over! 

We did a lot of really fun activities! We started off with lunch at the Rusty Bucket where I had a delicious turkey burger with avocado. :) We had a little adventure in Pier 1 Imports where I found a really cool mug (another thing I am obsessed with) for only $1.26!!! What a steal! Then we headed to the coolest place in the world...the Eddie Bauer Warehouse store!!! It was AWESOME! We spent a good chunk of time in the salvage room where every piece I got was only $5. I got some pretty sweet stuff for Guatemala. Friday evening was spent at the Columbus Zoo (the #1 zoo in the nation) for a fun little jazz concert called Jazoo...which turned out to be very couple-y, but oh well! 

Saturday was great too because we went on a 10.5 mile bike ride around Columbus on this awesome bike trail! Needless to say, my butt was a little sore the next day! We spent the evening out on the town in downtown Columbus (by evening I mean, we were back home by like 7:30pm! Haha.) and I witnessed a guy getting arrested and a very obvious cross-dresser! What an evening it was. But it was all made alright when we got sushi at a cool little Asian restaurant called Lemongrass. This was only the beginning of our eating for the day...we ended up eating a famous Schmidt's cream puff (5 bucks worth) and an entire thin-crust pizza from Josie' was marvelous...and sickening. We spent the evening relaxing while watching Footloose and icing our sore backs....sounds like old women, huh? Correct. 

When Sunday morning rolled around, we were both in horrible pain from our back issues and ended up laying around for the first 2 1/2 hours of the morning. Once we finally got ourselves together, we spent some quality time at a really cool mall near Columbus and I was able to experience Aleia eating her first full plate of Chinese food since I've known her! Haha, I felt so honored :P 

So, as I sit here this morning, I feel overwhelmed, sad, and just plain...weird. I had a GREAT weekend, I would do it again in a heartbeat. I feel overwhelmed because my CLEP test is in 10 days, my student teaching interview is a week from today, and I leave for Guatemala in 22 days. In addition, I feel tired and yucky because of all the junk we ate this weekend and I don't have much time to workout this week! AHHH! So yes, I've got that feeling, that pit of sadness or darkness that seems like it will never go away. I need to get back on the bandwagon: being focused and on a routine! I can do it...I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. 

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 


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