Monday, August 1, 2011

a prayer for peace.

After a phone call today with a close friend (who will be spending the semester in Guatemala with me), I really began to think about what the next four months of my life are going to entail...complete change and a magnificently different environment. It's official, I leave in 36 days for my semester in Antigua, Guatemala and I have finally come to terms that this is really happening. It's been rather surreal this entire summer as I try to make it through my job, summer class, the big test, and my student teaching interview (the latter two which have not happened yet). But it hit me today that I will be spending 15 weeks away from my family, my home, my bed, my's a crazy thing to think about. 

I am quickly learning, however, that this is the opportunity of a lifetime and there are more people in this world that will NEVER have such an awesome opportunity. I am young and there are many experiences ahead of me in this life, this being one of them. So, the following is my prayer...and I ask you to commit to praying this prayer with me (for me) now and while I am in Guatemala. 

Heavenly Father, 
I humbly come before you knowing that you are a great God with a mighty plan for my life. Right now I can honestly say that I am anxious, nervous, and scared for this new experience. It is all unknown and I am the queen of planning which makes this even more challenging for me. I know that this has been a part of your plan for my life forever and I rest assured that you are in control of all things. I thank you for giving me this opportunity to learn and grow and flourish, and I ask that you ignite a passion and excitement in my heart for this trip. God, I also ask for that peace that surpasses all understanding as I leave everything that I know and venture out into the unknown. I pray that I will feel your presence as I study, volunteer, and live with the Guatemalan people. I pray that you give me a new passion and open my eyes for what you have in store for me in this life. I pray that I would embrace this beautiful gift you have given me and live it to the fullest with the people that I am with. I pray for a sense of safety as I go into a land much different than my own. I ask that you would bless my family while I am gone and keep them safe in their daily activities. You are the God of peace and strength and joy and I ask that you would place each of those on my heart as I begin this incredible journey that I see as the beginning of my independent, adult life. Let me be a light that shines before men, that they would see You in me. Cast away any fear, doubt, or anxiety and may I board the plane clinging to my confidence in Jesus Christ. Thank you, Father. I pray in the magnificent name of Christ, Amen. 

1 Samuel 1:17
Eli answered, "Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him." 

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