Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Learning Important Lessons

It's been a while since I've written a new post...but I've been soaking up a lot of things and learning from several experiences in the past couple weeks. Since I am a professional at making lists (which you learned quickly in my first post), I will put these life lessons into a list too... :) 

First: Life is short. There was a scare in my sister's family when they almost lost someone very young with two small children. I quickly began to think about the fragility of life. Anything can happen at anytime. And while God is sovereign, things still happen that can be painful and/or unexpected. If life is that fragile, why aren't we living it like it's our last day? This is hard for someone like me to swallow because I am the non-spontaneous, fearful type that doesn't like to try anything new...besides kayaking or shooting a crossbow that is. But I am continuously learning....don't say no to hang out with people just because, well, you're tired...don't be afraid to roll down the car windows because you don't want your hair to be messed up...sing your heart out in the car, even when people in the car next to you stare and think you're absolutely out of your mind...don't settle back in your chair when Truth needs to be known...Life is just a wind, it comes and it goes quicker than we can realize. I don't want to sound like a Debbie Downer, but as cliched as it sounds, we have to embrace life and truly LIVE it without looking back.

Second: Live like a child. I have spent a lot of time this summer with children and I am learning that adults tend to be...well, boring. I'm not trying to be offensive to those "cool" adults who know how to live it up, but really, children have an appreciation for life that I believe, many times, adults can take for granted. I have decided that it's acceptable to see movies that are meant for children: Zookeeper, Despicable Me, Monte Carlo. [Funny story about the last movie...my best friend and I went to see that movie last week (because we secretly both wanted to see it really bad), we were probably the oldest young ladies in the theater besides the parents that had brought there 10-year old, Selena Gomez fan daughters.]
While babysitting last week, I cranked up the Itsy Bitsy Spider song and danced around, rockin' out with a two-year old on my hip. It was probably the most fun I've had in a while. The challenge for you this week is to look at life through the eyes of a child and have an appreciation for something that you normally would not take time to notice...like the lightning bugs that have come in swarms with this lovely summer weather! Or even, pick out a children's book and read it, let yourself laugh if it's funny, or cry if it's sad. (I recommend "The Blue Day Book for Kids")

Third: Don't look back. We all make mistakes. We all say things we wish we hadn't or do things that were stupid or embarrassing. We can't dwell on the past because it will just consume us, haunt us, hinder us from living life to the fullest. If you have something that is bothering you from the past, confront  it and be done with it (I still have to do this with certain things, too). Life becomes much more exciting and unique when we let ourselves "let go and let God." 

Finally: Take time to absorb wisdom from those older than you. I found myself at our cottage last weekend with five couples ages 54-60+. Now, being 21, this didn't seem like my ideal way to spend my weekend; however, I quickly learned that spending time with these adults was uplifting and such a special experience. I am blessed to have such wise and Christ-like adults in my life, family friends that have touched my life in a unique way. If you don't have anyone like this in your life, find some. Make it a goal to start an intergenerational program at your church or in your community. These couples have had many more life experiences than I have and I learned a lot by just sitting in a room talking with them, or playing Farkle at 11:00 at night with them! What a wonderful weekend it was! 

So, I think that's it for now. Enjoy....and live it up. :)

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