Wednesday, July 13, 2011


You know the saying "pain makes beauty"? Well, that's the biggest lie I have ever heard. The person who coined this phrase had never experienced the pain that I have been feeling the past few days!

A few weeks ago, I did something to my back while I was working out. I'm not quite sure what exactly I did, but I was in a lot of pain for a few days and taking muscle relaxers to help me sleep through the pain and get my back to calm down. Well, since then I have had some mild pain on and off...but now it's back, IN FULL FORCE. I woke up in the middle of the night last night in such pain that I couldn't even move in my bed from one position to another. I would not wish this pain on my worst enemy!

Most of all, I am frustrated because I can't work out and I keep wanting to eat cookies! Can you believe that, even though I am in this much pain, that's what I'm worried about! (laughs) I hate that I can't be at the gym every day because I feel like crap about myself/I don't want to lose the great progress I have been making... and it doesn't help that I end up laying flat on my back every day! In addition, pain makes it hard to be motivated to do any studying/school work that I REALLY need to work on!

I guess what I am trying to say is that your continued prayers for supernatural healing would be greatly appreciated. I'm headed to the chiropractor today for a massage and hopefully an adjustment/electric muscle stimulation. All I know is this, I am trying to find comfort in the Holy Spirit...but, it's really hard to do when one is in such great pain. At this moment, I can admire the strength in so many of those who deal with chronic pain/sickness through their entire lives: may God bless them in a mighty way!

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